Lux Æterna is an electronic-psychedelic duo created by Fabio Golfetti and Gabriel Golfetti in 2018, which has in essence the inspiration of contemporary, electronic and ambient music. The name refers to the composer György Ligeti and his composition Lux Aeterna immortalized in the soundtrack in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Lux Æterna brings a dreamy and reflective music based on concepts that include clusters, repetitive patterns and continuous sounds, played with synthesizers and sequencers, piano and guitar.
Fabio Golfetti is a guitarist and singer, founder of the psychedelic rock band Violeta De Autumn, and current guitarist of the legendary Franco-English band Gong. Gabriel Golfetti, his son, is a bassist and multi-instrumentalist of the progressive rock band Stratus Luna.
Fabio Golfetti, guitar
Gabriel Golfetti, keyboards